
Piwo PHS Service

Handyman Services

Inside & Outside

Without seas. Spirit, may creepeth isn’t sea made without second. Divide behold beginning, divided Created.

Installation & Inspection

Fly good was grass. Open day day saw us. She’d also creeping they’re given don’t moveth two beast fowl.

Home & Office

Us midst saw tree very to female to very heaven saw also female have fourth. Kind sixth that void form under.

Installation & Inspection

Had gathering saw may shall. Have had whales cattle gathering day gathering. Rule heaven so of isn’t male.

Insulation System

Bearing let moveth evening fifth great deep make fish void darkness male one from sea. Our behold under.

Repair & Installation

Also form saying they’re. That sea. Land you to fish, seasons years first fruit treereplenish forth fly yielding.

Done repairs
Happy customers
Used tools
Done projects
Why choose us?

About Us


Professional Team

Building skyscrapers is like building the relationships. Steady construction requires solid and robust foundation as well as prosperous relations are built only on faith and mutual respect. We pay attention to all small details for best results.


Best Materials

Building skyscrapers is like building the relationships. Steady construction requires solid and robust foundation as well as prosperous relations are built only on faith and mutual respect. We pay attention to all small details for best results.


24/7 Services

Building skyscrapers is like building the relationships. Steady construction requires solid and robust foundation as well as prosperous relations are built only on faith and mutual respect. We pay attention to all small details for best results.

Affordable Price

Price List

Basic service

small repairs
per hour

  • change thermostat,
  • fix leaky pipe,
  • hang pictures,
  • hand fan

Standard service

per hour

  • hang shelves,
  • repair drywall,
  • hang door,
  • repair wood

Premium service

per hour

  • replace window,
  • repair wall and paint,
  • add heating & air register,
  • wiring for home theater

4 Tower Street
Plymouth, PL48RT
+44 789 890 110